Hey curls! So I figured id tell you all my story, everyone has one believe it or not. My hair was a little before shoulder blade length, black & gray and extremely thick. My hair would break combs and brushes, a beast! At the ripe age of 12 I got my first perm.(
DUN DUN DUUUN ). I loved being able to run my fingers through my hair, felt so "mature". Before my mom would keep my hair in pigtail twists and braids. Not knowing they were
protective styles. I didn't really have any problems until about a year later at age 13 right before I started the 9th grade. My mom was having some hair issues of her own. Her hair was coming out or, shedding really bad I cant exactly remember but...she cut my hair right above shoulder length. I was so mad, no more buns, and high ponytails for me. My hair began to grow back slowly but surly. When I started high school I was able to finally throw my hair in a ponytail and head to class. at the end of 2009 my mom let me rinse (dye) my hair brown. My best friend and I had made plans to go out a and she came up with the idea of getting matching long draw-string ponytails. But I was given and ultimatum, either press my hair with a stove-top pressing comb or get a perm. I was terrified of the pressing comb! So of course, I went with the perm. Worst decision of my life, paying attention to the type of perm we grabbed I was bringing home a hair killer. I sat in the chair and let my best friends mom apply the perm.She told me to jump in the shower and wash out the perm. I had never done it before on my own, I into the shower and and began to rinse my hair out. I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to burn my eyes with the harsh chemical. when i was to the center to the center of my hair i pulled my hand away and felt a weired texture. I opened my eyes and i had a hand FULL of hair!! I screamed NO!! and ran my hands through my hair quickly and every time I pulled my hand away more hair came out! I jumped out of the shower butt ass naked and ran into the kitchen where my best friend and her mom were. Screaming and sobbing my best friends aunt came to my rescue. She covered me with a long towel and rinsed the remainder or the perm out. When it was all over, my hair was dry and very thin. The rest of my high school years I HATED my hair. I wore hats everywhere I went just to hide my thin hair. I wasn't bald but I felt I might as well cut it all off. I graduated in June of 2012, even after graduating I still wasnt happy with my hair. August 11th 2013 I made my mind up go just do the natural thing. I walked out the house with an Afro puff and never turned back.